David Lorenz
🚀 FREE 15mins: One-time top-rated Supabase Mentoring
Hop on and experience how far you can get with your Supabase questions in just 15mins! Important Notes: You can only book the Free call once and only with Webcam on. Due to time constraints this is for general guidance, in-depth coding will not be possible. I will record the call and might publish NON-confidential parts of it online (don't worry, I won't expose any confidential stuff like business ideas or what not).
- 15m
💼 Inquiry Call / Job Opportunity Call
Book this call if you want to know how I can help you. As the Author of the "Building Production-Grade Web Applications with Supabase" and nearly 25 years of development experience I can guide you to your goal efficiently, no matter if Supabase or general architectural or scaling guidance is needed. Let's just talk.
- 20m