Corbin Whitton
You're in the right place if you're looking for career advice, consultations, solutions, recruitment, or pitching ideas and opportunities.
- 15m
- 30m
- 60m
You are important to me, if you need someone to chat with, craving a nice home-cooked meal, or would like to meet with me personally, book me. I'm willing to rearrange my schedule a bit if needed.
- 15m
- 30m
- 60m
- 90m
- 120m
Service Opportunity
If you have a service opportunity and would like me to be there. Send me an invite, and I'll do what I can to be there! If you need hardware/software solutions, send me a professional invite and discuss with me your plans first so I can accurately fulfill the need.
- 30m
- 60m
- 90m
- 120m
- 180m
- Requires confirmation