Igor Krawczuk
I'm an ML, game theory and algorithmic mechanism design researcher based in Switzerland, with a PhD in ML & Optimization theory via the EE doctoral school. I did the bulk of this work at the LIONS lab at EPFL, the french pendant to ETH Zurich, after pivoting from working on neuromorphic circuit design for ML at LSM@EPFL. You can find more information at https://krawczuk.eu/ .
Note: The free meetings below are for those who had some sort of interactions, students wanting mentorship/supervision or people who think their values align with mine. I invite spontaneous meeting requests but reserve the right to cancel them if I don't have enough context or don't feel the vibe. If you want to be sure to talk with me or have a commercial interest, pick the paid meeting, I will attempt to accommodate up to 120 minutes (i.e. time slots) per week.
15 Min Meeting
A quick chat, e.g checkins about collaborations. Please send any discussion material and questions ahead of time.
- 15m
30 Min Meeting
A more relaxed setting, suitable for the first discussion of a possible collaboration, discussing 1-3 questions if I'm supervising you or have me read something on screen. I still prefer being sent all materials ahead of time.
- 30m
Deep chat 60min
A long chat, suitable for proper discussion during collaboration, discussing confusions and stuckness or doing live code review if I'm supervising you or do brainstorming together. I still prefer being sent all materials ahead of time.
- 60m
Deep Meeting +
A worksession. We work together, on screen, on a common project. Include an agenda in the meeting request.
- 120m
Chat to an ML expert
Inspired by https://backreaction.blogspot.com/p/talk-to-physicist_27.html , I am offering paid meetings & document review to anyone who wants to have insight from an ML PhD (background in EE and CS) about ideas and question they have about computer science, AI, ML optimization and game theory. While I am still a bit picky, these are "no questions asked": give me 100 bucks, get 20 minutes of my time for whatever you want to discuss. I will also read materials you send to me at least 2 days in advance with discretion (I reserve the right to only skim materials or completely ignore what I deem to be unreasonable).
I will maintain complete confidentiality about our call (including signing NDAs) and you will receive a recording and an AI transcript of the call, unless you opt out. If you want more than 20 minutes, book multiple meetings.
Note: This is for those wanting to support me personally or who want to make sure they get some of my time. I'm very happy to chat with people for free on a human to human basis.
As for credentials, I've published at NeurIPS, ICML & ICLR, as well as contributing to a report which later got an invited feature in Science, have been making money as an ML&Data Science freelancer since 2015 (including during my PhD), have been involved in the founding of 3 startups (one of which got funded and survived for a year after I left for my PhD, the other almost managed to bootstrap and then was murded by COVID :-D ) and I am now Lead ML&Automation engineer at https://adaptyvbio.com/ .
- 20m
- CHF 100.00
- requires_confirmation