Steven Morell

Meeting with Steven

  • 20m
  • 45m

15 Min Meeting

  • 15m

Teamfluence™ Demo & Onboarding

A quick and free Teamfluence™ demo and onboarding call. Let's make this more successful for you!

  • 25m

Teamfluence Beta Onboarding

  • 40m

Teamfluence Intro

Intro Call with Steven Morell, the founder of Teamfluence - A tool that helps B2B teams to measure, share and grow their influence and network on Linkedin.

  • 25m

Teamfluence™ Activation Call

A quick screen sharing to activate your account and make sure you get the most out of Teamfluence

  • 20m

B2B Social Selling Kick-Off

Welcome to our 30 days B2B Social Selling Power Cycle - Let's make some waves and grow a network or potential customers.

This will be your 60 minutes Social Selling Kick-Off in which we handle basics concepts, setups and tactics as well as an introduction into the use of Teamfluence and other tools.

Best of all: No prep required.
(Not yet - there will be "homework" later 😁)

Please have a (paper) notebook with you to take notes and try to minimize distractions (phone? desktop notifications?)

Thanks and see you soon!

  • 60m

Free Linkedin-Helper

quick call to share some things we have noticed about your Linkedin activities. (No prep required)

  • 15m

Speak Revenue Podcast Recording

  • 60m - Kostenloses Erstgespräch

Wir wollen verstehen, wer Ihr idealer Kunde ist und welche Probleme Sie für diese Zielgruppe lösen können.

Dann analysieren wir Ihre jetzige digitale Vertriebsstrategie und Ihren Linkedin Auftritt, um zu sehen, wie viel Potential hier für Neukundenakquise vorhanden ist.

  • 30m

30 Days B2B Social Selling Power Cycle - Team Review Call

Welcome back to our B2B Social Selling Power Cycle! We hope you're already feeling the momentum from our kick-off session. Now, it's time to dive deeper and ensure everyone is on the same page as we continue to build and leverage our social selling strategies.

Agenda for the Team Review Call

Duration: 55 minutes


  1. Review Basic Concepts: We'll revisit the fundamental concepts discussed during our kick-off session to reinforce understanding and address any questions.
  2. Hands-On Adoption: Explore practical applications of the tactics and tools introduced, with a focus on how to integrate them into your daily routines.
  3. Tool Usage: Detailed walk-throughs of Teamfluence and other essential tools to ensure everyone is comfortable and ready to use them effectively.
  4. Progress Sharing: Open floor for team members to share their initial experiences, successes, and challenges encountered so far.


  • Have a (paper) notebook ready for additional note-taking.
  • Minimize distractions by silencing your phone and desktop notifications.

We look forward to an engaging and productive session as we continue to make waves and grow our network of potential customers together!

Thank you and see you soon!

  • 55m