the unsettling witch healing crafts

~massage, energywork, and magical pathways for meaningful soul journeys~
~here for all the weird and mad people. no cops. no armed forces. no hindutva. no zionists. no nazis, no fash. psych-abolition. anticaste. disabled, trans and queer-friendly. refugees welcome. nobody is illegal~

Hi! I am Dilan (he/it), an 'un'settler witch, masseur, and immigrant who reclaims magic to connect with the body and the land and assist in the healing (unsettling) of settler communities. I am an apprentice massage therapist and an experienced tarot card reader and runic spellworker, currently based in Exeter, England.

I always work with the principles of informed consent and do-no-harm. My work is informed by decolonising, antifascist-anarchist and queerfeminist practices. For any queries, please write directly to dilanuplus16de(at)gmail(dot)com or join our #WitchcraftIsPolitical Discord server for fun and insightful magic and healing community and events:

I believe that settler cultures and colonialism that constitute modern society work in terrible ways to divorce the body from spirit, the mental and psychological from the physical. As a result, we often see a separation of physical, mental, and spiritual health problems. Healing or unsettling means to challenge this separation and re-establish connection. To this end, I offer the following services:

Massage & Bodywork [Discounted apprentice rates]

Ideal for connecting you with your body. Includes healing massage for back, legs, arms, shoulders and neck. Booking duration includes 15 min consultation, aftercare, and optional mini-divination message. Pay per your means on a sliding scale. Suggested donation: £35...

Recommended for:

  • those looking to explore the relationship between mental health, psychic trauma, and their physical bodies
  • queer and/or people of colour who have been forced to disconnect from their bodies under oppressive norms of gender, colonialism, and sexuality
  • intellectual and cultural workers like academics, researchers, designers, writers, coders etc. whose work may push them to be more in their heads than in their bodies
  • people looking to sink in, ground and connect with their bodies physically and spiritually
  • 105m
  • 1

Divinatory Play

A playful and embodied in-depth tarot card reading or divination session grounded in respectful land relations. Connects you with land spirits and empowers you with earthy magic. Offers spiritual counsel for your struggles or for introspection and inspiration. Includes grounding meditation, non-linear temporal work, gaming and journaling prompts to help your personal/political journey in an increasingly chaotic world. Present your problem. Receive guidance for your work, relationships or creative path. Address grief, death, the pain of structural violence or anxieties around climate change. Co-create what you want to live and leave for those who come after. You will be welcomed into a caring non-judgmental space for communing with the land spirits and finding vocabularies for your experiences and feelings. 100% confidential. Online Offering.

  • 90m
  • £90.00

Gift Cards

Book a Tarot Game for Magical Insights Gift Card for a friend or a loved one. Perfect for a birthday or holiday present! Select any calendar date or time. Add information to personalise your gift card. Make the payment and you will be sent your gift card via email within 2 business days with instructions on how to use it. The person you gift shall be able to book a time suitable to them.

  • 90m
  • £90.00

Pre-Consultation for New Clients

Are you a new client curious about my unique approach to massage or tarot or both? Let's talk, get to know each other a bit and see if we are the right fit for each other! It is important for me to have an authentic relationship with my clients that goes beyond the transactional ethos of capitalism and debt societies, so I am always happy to get to know each other a bit more personally.

  • 25m