Phil Sturgeon
Author of Build APIs You Won't Hate and Surviving Other People's APIs, Co-founder of Protect Earth where we use a combination of tech & elbow grease to create & restore woodlands, and using APIs to power reforestation for various organizations via Green Turtle. I have been helping people fix their APIs and greater software architecture for decades. I've created, inspired, maintained, consulted, or reviewed, the majority of popular OpenAPI tools out there, and love helping people through API Development issues. If you'd like help tracking and reducing the carbon emissions of your software that's even better. If you need anything computers and/or climate, let's talk.
Quick Natter
Short chat about whatever, explore ideas, get some direction without spending a tonne. Folks often use this to show me something cool they've been working on and get feedback.
- 30m
- €80.00
API/Tech Consulting
API therapy sessions. If you've got small problems we can try and fix them real time, and if they're bigger this can be a planning session for how to tackle it, whether thats API Design reviews, setting up OpenAPI workflows, wrestling with Spectral, learning Stoplight, or anything else in APIs.
- 60m
- €149.00
API Deep Dive
Big problems, big solutions. Whatever API design or development trouble you're having, whatever OpenAPI headache you've got, let's see how much we can get done. Crack out a whiteboard, pair code, all good.
- 120m
- €279.00