If you’re planning to travel and need to adjust your timezone, Cal.com makes it easy to schedule a timezone change in advance. Here’s how to set it up.
How to Schedule a Temporary Timezone Change:
Go to Settings: From your Cal.com dashboard, choose "Settings." and navigate to "General".
Choose "Schedule timezone change": In the "Timezone" section, choose "Schedule timezone change" and define timezone for your travel destination.
Set the Period:
Specify the start and end dates of your travel period.
Your timezone will automatically change at the start of the period and revert back to your default timezone at the end.
You can also choose an option with no end date.
Save Changes: Confirm your settings to apply the temporary timezone change.
During the specified period, all your scheduled events and notifications will adjust to the new timezone, ensuring seamless coordination while you’re away. Once the travel period ends, your timezone will switch back to your default settings without any further action needed.
Why Use This Feature?
This feature ensures that you can manage your calendar according to your temporary location without affecting long-term scheduling or forgetting to switch back when you return. Perfect for trips and temporary relocations!