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Milos Puac avatar
Written by Milos Puac
Updated over a week ago

Workflows allow you to automate notifications and reminders. A workflow can be attached to different event types, has one specific trigger event, and can have several action steps. For example, you can use workflows for sending email or SMS reminders before an event starts to the person who booked the meeting to avoid no-shows.

Workflows can also be used for sending follow-up emails or SMS messages to the attendee after a meeting ends. That could be a feedback survey, providing some additional information to the meeting, or just a simple thank you note.

Each Workflow is made up of a single trigger and one or more actions. Triggers include things like the cancellation of an event, start times, end times, and new bookings.


  • Minutes/Hours/Days before an event starts

  • When an event is canceled

  • When a new event is booked

  • Minutes/Hours/Days after an event ends

  • When event is rescheduled


  • Send an email to the host

  • Send an email to the attendees

  • Send an email to a specific email address

  • Send an SMS to the attendee

  • Send an SMS to a specific number

  • Send Whatsapp message to the attendee

  • Send Whatsapp message to a specific number

Actions are a designated notification type. For example, sending a reminder to an attendee, a specific phone number or an email address.

Custom template

You can either use the default template for the email/SMS or even use a custom template and use additional inputs as variables within that

The Workflow system also lets you choose between using’s default message template or creating a custom one.

Dynamic text variables

If the location is a video conferencing app then the {LOCATION} would be ‘Zoom’ or ‘Google Meet’ and {MEETING_URL} would be the actual link to the meeting. If the location is not a video conferencing app then {MEETING_URL} is empty.




The event type name


The event date


The event start time


The event location


Organizer’s name


The attendee's name


The attendee's first name


The attendee's last name


The attendee's email


The additional notes of booking


The link to the meeting if Location is Zoom or Google Meet


The event end time


Timezone of the person receiving the message


The URL to cancel the booking


The URL to reschedule the booking


The URL for a rating feedback form


The URL for no show feedback

Workflow is one of many tools that users can take advantage of in order to simplify scheduling, save time, and focus on what really matters.

The SMS/Whatsapp reminders are only available for Teams, Enterprise and Platform plans.

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