Creates a new event type
Query Parameters
Your API Key
Duration of the event type in minutes
Metadata relating to event type. Pass {} if empty
Unique slug for the event type
Title of the event type
Number of minutes of buffer time after a Cal Event
Number of minutes of buffer time before a Cal Event
Currency acronym. Eg- usd, eur, gbp, etc.
Description of the event type
If the event type should disable adding guests to the booking
If the event type should be hidden from your public booking page
If the calendar notes should be hidden from the booking
A list of all available locations for the event type
Minimum time in minutes before the event is bookable
EventTypeId of the parent managed event
If calendar days should be counted for period days
Number of bookable days (Required if periodType is rolling)
End date of bookable period (Required if periodType is 'range')
Start date of bookable period (Required if periodType is 'range')
To decide how far into the future an invitee can book an event with you
The position of the event type on the public booking page
Price of the event type booking
If the event should recur every week/month/year with the selected frequency
If the event type should require your confirmation before completing the booking
The ID of the schedule for this event type
The type of scheduling if a Team event. Required for team events only
The intervals of available bookable slots in minutes
A valid URL where the booker will redirect to, once the booking is completed successfully
Team ID if the event type should belong to a team
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