Creates a new user
Query Parameters
Your API key
Email that belongs to the user being edited
Username for the user being created
The user's avatar, in base64 format
The new user's brand color
The new user's brand color for dark mode
Remove branding from the user's calendar page
The new user's locale. Acceptable values are one of [EN, FR, IT, RU, ES, DE, PT, RO, NL, PT_BR, ES_419, KO, JA, PL, AR, IW, ZH_CH, ZH_TW, CS, SR, SV, VI]
Default theme for the new user. Acceptable values are one of [DARK, LIGHT]
The new user's time format. Acceptable values are one of [TWELVE, TWENTY_FOUR]
The new user's time zone. Eg- 'EUROPE/PARIS'
Start of the week. Acceptable values are one of [SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY]
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