Payment form
The Payment form atom is a streamlined interface that integrates with Stripe to facilitate secure payment processing for bookings. It allows users to easily enter their payment information, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction experience at the time of booking.
Below code snippet can be used to render the Payment form atom
For a demonstration of the Payment form, please refer to the video below.
Below is a list of props that can be passed to the Payment form.
Name | Required | Description |
paymentUid | Yes | The uid of the payment |
onPaymentSuccess | No | Callback function to be executed upon successful payment processing |
onPaymentCancellation | No | Callback function to be executed upon payment processing failure |
onEventTypePaymentInfoSuccess | No | Callback function to be executed when payment information is successfully processed. |
onEventTypePaymentInfoFailure | No | Callback function to be executed upon payment information processing failure. |
Combining payment form with event types atom
The Payment form atom works best when combined with the event types atom to provide a seamless payment experience. In order to combine payment and event types atom, here are the steps we recommend:
Setup stripe in event types atom
The event types atom has a payments tab which you can use to connect your stripe account and set up payments info (price, currency, etc.)
Below code snippet can be used to setup the event types atom
With this you’re all set to accept payments for your bookings.
Use booker atom to access payment uid
The booker atom has a prop called onCreateBookingSuccess
which is a callback function that gets called at the time of a successful booking creation. This function takes a parameter called data
which contains the payment uid and another property called paymentRequired which can be used to detect if the booking requires payment or not. You can use the payment uid to access the payment form atom.
Either store the payment uid in your database, a local state variable or pass it into another page as query parameters.
Below code snippet can be used to obtain the payment uid from the booker atom
Setup a page for payments
We recommend setting up a separate page for the payment form for the sake of a smooth and streamlined flow, but you can also do it in the same page. From the previous step, you get redirected to the payment page when the booking is created. You can now access the payment uid present in the query parameters and render the payment form atom.
Below code snippet can be used to obtain the payment uid and pass it to payment form atom.
Below video shows a demonstration of how we combined the event types atom and payment form in one of our of our example app to create a seamless payment experience.
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