Prefilling default booking fields

If you want to pre-fill name and email fields you can pass them to the Booker atom’s defaultFormValues prop:

        name: "bob",
        email: "[email protected]",

which will look like:

Prefilling custom booking fields

We created an event type for managed user with custom text and select fields. Name and email fields are created by default. Here is the request:

That looks in booker like:

Let’s say you want that when someone is trying to book one of your managed users that the booking fields should be pre-filled with some data. We see that one of the booking fields has slug coding-language and the other help-with. To pre-fill them you pass their slugs and values to the Booker atom’s defaultFormValues prop:

        "coding-language": "cobol",
        "help-with": "refactoring"

which now will populate the booking fields:

Making pre-filled fields read-only

disableOnPrefill booking field property controls whether or not to make a booking field read only if we pass its value in the defaultFormValues prop. Here is an example request where we create an event type with one booking field with “disableOnPrefill”: true and the other with “disableOnPrefill”: false:

If we pass their values to the Booker atom:

        "coding-language": "cobol",
        "help-with": "refactoring"

then here is how it will look like in the Booker. The “What language will we peer code in” text field is read only: