API endpoints
Scheduling API endpoints for every use case
REST-styled API lets you have full control over your instance of the platform
Quick start
Generate your API keys from Settings > Security. Install the library, and make your first request
Manage your API keys directly from your settings page
Data Types
Explore the multiple types of data used within our API
Cal.com uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request
The whole idea behind Cal.com is that scheduling should be easier. We know that can only be accomplished if people have access to robust and customizable scheduling infrastructure.
One of the key ways that Cal.com helps to ensure that our product is impactful and effective is by providing our users with access to our API.
Cal’s REST-styled API lets our users have full control over their instance of the platform.
The API provides access to all available resources as opposed to simple HTTP endpoints.
You can visit cal.dev, in order to test out the API without affecting your live data or real calendar connection. You can also check out our developer docs to learn more about what you can do with Cal’s API.
From implementation to customization with Cal.com, every aspect of scheduling is effortless.
Most popular endpoints
Booking References
Custom Inputs
Destination Calendars
Event References
Event Types
Selected Calendars
Example usage
Easily fetch all the bookings in your account by simply making a GET
request on {{BASE_URL}}/v1/bookings?apiKey={{API_KEY}}
and then proceed to hook that up with a custom-built automation such as for a report of all the bookings in the previous month.
Manage an event type by making a PATCH
request on {{BASE_URL}}/v1/event-types?apiKey={{API_KEY}}
with the body containing the changes you need to make in the event type, such as changing the duration of the event, for example.
Since there is no UI involved in this process, it is extremely straightforward to automate the flows according to your needs all while offering immense customizability
Smarter, simpler scheduling
Cal.com® and Cal® are a registered trademark by Cal.com, Inc. All rights reserved.
Our mission is to connect a billion people by 2031 through calendar scheduling.
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