How to split fullname into firstname and lastname in the public booking page
By default, booking page has a fullname text input field for the scheduler to put their name in. This usually works just fine for most people. However, at times, it is preferable to take the firstname and lastname of the scheduler as separate inputs in the booking form. provides the option to split the fullname input field in the booking form into firstname and lastname. To do that, you can do the following:
Access Event Type Settings
Head to the event type settings where you wish to split the fullname into firstname and lastname.
Click on Advanced Tab
Scroll to Booking Questions Section
Save Changes
Remember to click on the save button in the event type settings as well.
You’re all set!
How this affects the Booking API requests
Please note that in case of API requests, your usual responses object:
will now be updated to allow name to be converted into object containing firstName and lastName as follows: