Monday, October 10, 2022 · 2 min read

How to add GIFs to appointment booking confirmations

Assantewa Heubi
Assantewa HeubiWriter
How to add GIFs to appointment booking confirmations

What Is Giphy?

GIFs are used everywhere these days. They let us share expressions, moments, and humor, both subtle and slapstick. GIFs are great for celebrating achievements of any size and for injecting a little bit of fun into occasionally monotonous days. Simply put, they're a great way to add a little bit of catharsis to any communication. 

Giphy is one of the best places on the internet to find the perfect GIF for every moment and occasion. You can search for everything from cats playing the piano to bananas laughing maniacally and puppies celebrating birthdays; whatever you're looking for, it’s there. Naturally, we had to include Giphy in the App Store. 

How You Can Use Giphy?

Appointments are important. They let us do everything from organizing surprise birthday parties to dog weddings and rocket launches. Nothing happens without people meeting each other, connecting, communicating, and creating a plan to move forward. 

Giphy is a great way to add a bit of pizzazz to your calendar scheduling confirmations. It lets people know that the appointment has been successfully submitted while also acting as a virtual icebreaker. The right GIF can help set a constructive tone for the meeting by pre-establishing a positive association with your organization's appointment booking process.

Where Does Come In? is more than just an app for scheduling meetings. We're the calendar scheduling infrastructure platform here to serve everyone. We want to make calendar scheduling equally and easily accessible for students, small businesses, and governmental institutions. We know everyone schedules a little bit differently; however, since we're an open-source product, we're perfectly positioned to adapt and facilitate that. 

If you need white label scheduling infrastructure, HIPAA-compliant tools, or an online booking platform that works out of the box, then you’ve found the right software.

We know that for some people, it's important to set the mood and celebrate the little things. So with that in mind, we've made it super simple to use Giphy with your account with so you can do just that.

How to use Giphy with Cal

  • Login to your account

  • Go to the app store

  • Search for the Giphy app

  • Select the Giphy app

  • Select the install button in the upper right-hand corner

  • Go to your events page

  • Select an event you want to edit

  • Scroll down to advance settings

  • Select show advanced settings

  • Scroll down to add a GIF to your confirmation page

  • Click on + Add From Giphy

  • Use the pop-up search bar or paste in your chosen Giphy GIF link

  • Select update

Using Giphy to add GIFs to your bookable events is one of the easiest things you can do to incorporate a dash of fun as part of the appointment booking process. is now FREE for individuals - sign up here

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