Wednesday, October 12, 2022 · 2 min read

How to use open-source scheduling infrastructure with

Assantewa Heubi
Assantewa HeubiWriter
How to use open-source scheduling infrastructure with

What Is Close? is a CRM that's built for growth. The product is trusted by some of the world's fastest scaling sales teams, making it easy for you to onboard new team members in just a few minutes. Close is excellent for analyzing KPIs and workflows and growing revenue quickly. Close sets itself apart from its competitors by offering transparent, all-inclusive pricing and a dedicated customer success team. Close is successful because it is invested in the success of its users. It's a product made by people who understand and respect the industries they serve.

Why Should You Use Close?

Since Close is a product for salespeople by salespeople, the tools included in the platform reflect that. The product allows users to access CRM, Global calling, video, and email all from One dashboard. This saves team members time; they don't have to switch between different windows and sword pieces of software constantly. Close also has a specific suite of tools built with sales leaders in mind. These tools include features like task management, call coaching, and customizable CRM reporting. Close is ideal for organizations that want to simplify things and drastically improve productivity.

Where Does Cal Fit In?

Cal is an open-source Calendly alternative that provides a customizable and secure scheduling infrastructure. Organizations can use Cal to facilitate both internal and external appointments. In addition, Cal also has a variety of pre-designed third-party integrations that can be used to extend the platform's functions. Since Cal is open source, developers can easily tailor the product to their organization's specific needs. Using Cal with Close ensures that you have access to a white-label-friendly and minimalistic scheduling infrastructure that saves you time and lets you customize your time-based environment. 

How Can I Use Cal.Com With Close?

To use with Close, you only need two things. First, you need to have an account on both platforms. Second, You'll need to go to the Cal App Store and install the Close app. Once you've clicked install, all you have to do is follow the on-screen prompts. Now you're good to go and ready to close your next deal. is now FREE for individuals - sign up here

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