Wednesday, February 8, 2023 · 2 min read

Privacy-friendly analytics powered by Plausible

Assantewa Heubi
Assantewa HeubiWriter & Content Creator
Privacy-friendly analytics powered by Plausible

What is Plausible?

Plausible is an open-source Google analytics alternative that respects the privacy of your visitors. Plausible is based on the concept that sometimes less is more. The team behind Plausible understands that most people are looking for critical insights related to their website’s impact, performance, and reach. With this in mind, Plausible has been developed as a lightweight, user-friendly, and privacy-focused analytics platform. Startups, agencies, and creators alike can use this fantastic software to track events, goal conversions, and campaigns. 

Since all the data is gathered anonymously, Plausible doesn’t require cookies or any form of personally identifiable data to function. This means there are no persistent identifiers, cross-site, or cross-device tracking. In addition, your site data isn’t going to be gathered by Plausible for any third-party purposes. One of the reasons Plausible can do all this is because the organization is entirely self-funded, bootstrapped, and debt-free. All this means is that Plausible isn’t beholden to any external forces, and your data will always remain yours. users can easily install and use Plausible to gain data-based insights for their websites, booking pages, and events by following the simple steps outlined below.

How to use plausible with

  • Login to your account 

  • Visit the app store

  • Choose analytics from the featured categories

  • Select Plausible

  • Select install app

  • Next, navigate to your event types

  • Choose an event from which you’d like to collect analytics from

  • Click on the in event apps tab

  • Hit the toggle button to turn on Plausible

  • Enter the URL of the domain (event) you will be tracking

  • Click the save button on the top right-hand corner of the page.

As you can see, connecting modular apps like Plausible to your account is an easy way to customize and extend the capabilities of your calendar scheduling environment. Once apps are installed, they can be enabled and disabled via event-level settings. This means that you can use different analytics services for various events depending on your needs at any given time. is now FREE for individuals - sign up here

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