Orgs / Teams / Bookings
Get organization team bookings
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Filter bookings by status. If you want to filter by multiple statuses, separate them with a comma.
Available options:
, recurring
, past
, cancelled
, unconfirmed
Filter bookings by the attendee's email address.
Filter bookings by the attendee's name.
Filter bookings by event type ids belonging to the team. Event type ids must be separated by a comma.
Filter bookings by event type id belonging to the team.
Filter bookings with start after this date string.
Filter bookings with end before this date string.
Sort results by their start time in ascending or descending order.
Available options:
, desc
Sort results by their end time in ascending or descending order.
Available options:
, desc
Sort results by their creation time (when booking was made) in ascending or descending order.
Available options:
, desc
The number of items to return
Required range:
1 < x < 250
The number of items to skip
Required range:
x > 0
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